Resurrection and Rebirth

Back and Better

Resurrection and Rebirth

If you’re reading this blog, you probably noticed that it has been almost two years since the last post. That two years of silence was not two years where nothing happened. The site may look the same, but the service and myself personally certainly are not.

Mode Law has been resurrected after experiencing the most typical of tech start-up issues. It has a new owner and operator, supported by a different law firm and development team. The vision for is the same, but in my eyes it seems simpler and clearer.

The past two years has been a real growth experience for me personally, as well as my businesses. In that time I’ve become a father and husband, become General Counsel to a number of companies, gained expertise in electricity retail law, launched a law firm Attune Legal, become a first-time employer, and of course secured, re-built and relaunched will be better for all of it.

Becoming a parent forces you to focus on what is important, and be more purposeful and efficient with your time. A child’s needs are not-negotiable, so everything else has to bend around them. Does it make you worse at your job? No! It should make you better. My wife calls parenthood her business’ secret sauce, and I agree.

Having unwavering love and support from your significant other bolsters you in unique ways. I literally could not have done it without my wife Iolanthe Gabrie. She gave me the encouragement and confidence to do the thing; she financially supported me through the hard times; and she is a boss business coach to boot!

Being the sole legal expert that a number of significant businesses operating in complex regulatory frameworks rely on, forces you to do your best work. You hone your skills of prioritisation, communication, deep research, and most importantly knowing when and how to make an important decision.

Learning a completely new area of law keeps your thinking fresh. You can’t approach anything with preconceptions or assumptions, meaning you have to do the research and solve each problem from the ground up. Electricity retail law is a high stakes area, so you have to get it right.

Attune Legal is not my first law firm, Mode Law was before it morphed into this legal tech platform. Attune Legal is however my best law firm. It’s the culmination of everything I’ve learnt over the past 15 years in practice, and is supported by a cracking group of people. My first hire, lawyer Keely Badour-Taha cares so much about the work she does and everyone in her orbit. She is so excited to be the first point of contact for users and helping them with their legal needs. users are going to love chatting with her.

I wouldn’t be writing this if I weren’t able to secure the intellectual property, and for that I have to thank my friend Rish Chaudhuri. Rish did the most selfless and generous thing anyone has ever done for me in this regard. I have also been supported in many ways by friends in my professional network. They put me in touch with developers, or took a look under the hood to figure out what was needed to bring this thing back to life.

This platform was built to provide a better way for people to run their businesses. I believed passionately that a business’ legal function should be streamlined unlike anything else available. The pursuit of that passion came at great personal cost, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. is committed to working for businesses. If you give us a chance, we will make work for you.

Thank you to everyone that has helped re-birth We are really looking forward to working with you once again.